Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rest Week Closeout...

My rest week is quickly coming to an end. I just have my LT test to do tomorrow. My workout today may have an influence on the test.

Today I went out for a quick 2hr ride. I didn't need to but the weather was nice for January in Nebraska. It was 39degrees when I left the house and the temps were suppose to top out in the 40s. Other than the wet streets, it was nice day for a ride. I was very happy with the ride, I had great energy through out.

I looked back in my 2009 log and compared today's ride with other 3hr rides. Comparing the speeds I am about a 1mph faster.

Highlights of this rest week - I completed 9 of 9 scheduled hours. 3hrs in spinning class, 3hrs on the trainer, 3hrs on the road. My long ride was 3hrs today. I hit all marks for the week and feel rested and ready for Base 3.

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